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K-12 Security Services

K-12 Security Services

Central Guards Security Services believes each student campus should be a protected space for our children — a haven. A school environment should be dedicated to learning, teaching, development, and support, where a child’s achievements may be fostered rather than hindered.

We are committed to maintaining overall safety and security within our K-12 schools across the nation. To effectively combat threats, we created highly customized district-wide solutions with a student-centered approach.

Security Solutions For K-12 Schools

Central Guards Security Services backs highly trained professionals with technological solutions to maintain a safe environment for students, faculty, and staff alike.

Our security offers strive to create a secure campus, to ensure all pupils spend the day focused on learning – rather than worrying.

How do our security officers do it?

A dedicated K-12 support team provides consultative program management and design solutions, in addition to strategic leadership.

Friendly security professionals provide safety patrols, incident management, and elevated security with a customer-service mindset. Access control solutions are offered to manage visitors and foot traffic, provide lock-out assistance as needed, and more.

Unsurpassed Officer Training & Security Resources

School campuses are often pressured to staying on top of developing issues surrounding the school security landscape while also addressing all safety concerns, hazards, and incidents. Central Guards Security Services is a contract security provider, offering specialized training geared toward school safety.

These critical areas of concern include:

  • First Aid/CPR/AED
  • ADA Compliance
  • Emergency Response Planning (i.e., active shooter or hostile event preparedness)
  • Customized Fire/Life Safety Training (to better educate students)

Schools face intense pressure to address safety incidents, hazards, and stay current on issues facing the school security landscape. We are a contract security provider that offers training courses in critical school safety areas.

Schedule A Call With One Of Our Security Experts

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